Commission TOS

Section 1: Content Guidelines

I love to draw:

  • OCs! Including MY ocs, if you wanted to buy art of them for some reason lmao
  • Fanart
  • Child characters in non-sexual contexts
  • Fluff/angst/basically any SFW stuff
  • Imagery and symbolism, religious or otherwise
  • Gore/blood/violence
  • Body horror/monsters
  • BSDM
  • ABO/heat/rut/breeding/primal
  • Most kinks relating to body parts, props, or fantasy elements! Feet, tentacles, wings, horns, knots, dildo/strap, futa, piercings, tattoos (complex tattoos may increase price due to render time), whatever you want emphasized I’ll emphasize it babes

I will probably be happy to draw, but may have limitations on:

  • Crossover of sexual content and horror elements, including non/dubcon, monsterfucking, peril, blood/weaponplay, injury, choking, etc.
  • Pregnancy (including ovi and mpreg)
  • Internal shots/x-ray
  • Animal/feral/furry/original species (dragons and dragon-like creatures are my favorite!)
  • Robots (the more human-shaped/cartoony they are, the more likely I will be able to take the commission! Please don’t ask me to draw transformers or gundam lmao)
  • Props/simple backgrounds
  • Armor
  • Simple ref sheets
  • Lots of other stuff! If you’ve seen me draw it or something like it before, I’m probably happy to give it another shot 🙂

I will not draw:

  • Pedo/loli/shota
  • Anything promoting hate to any marginalized group
  • Meatsuits belonging to you or people you know (too emotionally charged. Avatars, sonas, and self-insert OCs are ok!)
  • Personal tattoos/more “designy” work (too many revisions involved)
  • Mecha (just don’t have the skills lmao)
  • Comics/animation/character explorations (too much of a time sink)
  • Complex props/backgrounds (I’ll draw a motorcycle or car if I have to, but that’s about it)
  • Certain personal squicks including but not limited to: race play, incest, scat, vomit, vore, feeder/gainer, extreme inflation (a little is ok!). If you aren’t sure, we can talk about it 🙂

Section 2: Basic Conduct

  • I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any reason at any time, INCLUDING if you have already paid for part of it. Don’t be a dick to me and you’ll probably be ok though.
  • Payment by Paypal invoice only, both for tax purposes and for my protection. Tipping is always appreciated 🙂
  • If I find out you bought a commission from me only to feed it into an AI to alter or reproduce it, I will curse your bloodline with dick rot. Fuck AI. Get out of here.
  • My comms are only for personal use. I have experience designing book covers and logos and such, but I can’t be bothered with the legal nonsense required to sell commercial rights, so I retain the rights to the distribution of my commissions including using them to advertise my work. You’re free to have them printed for your own use or a few for your friends, though 🙂
  • As stated above, I’ll do NSFW but certain kinks squick me out so I don’t wanna draw them. But I have no problem discussing fetishes, and I won’t judge you for having them even if I decide I can’t take your commission.
  • DETAILED REFS, PLEASE. Too much detail is better than not enough! If you don’t provide a ref for something, I will fill it in with my best judgement. You are free to make requests to alter these judgements during your included revision pass.
    • I’ll also take commissions based solely on description — I know not everyone can draw their own refs, and everyone has to start somewhere — but they’re far more likely to turn out different from what you expected. Even something simple scribbled with a mouse in MS paint or a picture of your ideal pose sketched on a post-it note is helpful! Unless you WANT me to go ham with my best judgement, in which case please tell me so >:) I’m more than happy to exercise my artistic liberty on any design!
  • “Extras” are anything that will increase the render time for your commission. The charge for extras will compound with multiple elements. Extras may include:
    • Detailed tattoos (a star or a vague faded shape is fine, a fresh sleeve is probably extra)
    • Clothing patterns/textures (stripes or checks is fine, an ornate kimono design or tons of rococo frills would be extra)
    • Complicated hairstyles (braids/knots/twists/etc in simple buns or tails are fine; detailed bridal styles, braids sewn up in artistic sculptures, or anything else that will make me have to build a 3D model in my mind will be extra lol)
    • Mechanical prosthetics/robot details (robots that mimic human musculature is fine, a destiny Exo style character would be extra, depending on how much of the mechanical elements are showing)
    • Vehicles (a skateboard or scooter is fine, anything bigger counts as a vehicle)
    • Large or complex props such as weapons or animals
    • Background elements like beds, chairs, windows, trees, etc
    • Anything else that will add time, at my discretion
  • Don’t ask me to draw real people, please. I can do it but I’ve had bad experiences with them before, and with NSFW in the mix, I just don’t want to risk issues of consent and the use of someone’s image (let alone the complications of like, body image and unflattering depiction. People are very invested in the way they look in a commission and it just doesn’t jive with me).
    • This doesn’t necessarily apply to characters played by actors in live action — obviously that’s a character, not the actor themself — and additionally, listing face-claims in your character’s ref/description can be very useful to bridge gaps as my style does tend more towards realism than a lot of people’s! I’m just not gonna be taking comms of, like, you and your partner or anything.

Section 3: The Process

  • I will send an email when I reach you on my waitlist. If you do not respond to the email within 3 days (72 hours), I will move you to the bottom of the list and go to the next client.
  • Once I have confirmation of your interest and we agree on your commission idea, I will send an invoice through Paypal for the first half of your commission’s price. The sketch period begins after you pay the invoice. I’ll send you a rough sketch for revisions or approval within another 3 days (72 hours).
  • ONE (1) REVISION PASS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Endless revision stresses me out and wastes my time and energy, which is very limited. Remember that my sketches can be messy before I start the intensive process of cleaning them up (after the second invoice). I ask that you please evaluate the sketch stage with the assumption that it won’t include rookie mistakes on the anatomy or other basics once I actually hash it out.
  • If, even considering the early stage, you still don’t like how it’s developing after the first revision, you can cancel the second half of your commission. IF YOU CANCEL THE SECOND HALF, I WILL NOT PROVIDE A REFUND FOR THE FIRST HALF. I have already finished the work you’ve paid me for at that point.
    • I understand that sometimes you don’t notice or remember a small detail right away. A second revision request may be accepted after the first revision IF AND ONLY IF the changes are very small and can be made without the sketch requiring a second approval (such as changing the direction of a character’s eyes, adding a piece of jewelry or scar/blemish, slightly longer/shorter hair, etc)
    • If you don’t respond to the sketch with your preferred revisions (or cancellation) within 48 hours, I will send one (1) reminder and wait another 48 hours. After that, I will shelve your slot. I don’t delete my files until they’re finished and exported, so if something happens (you lose internet or get sick for a week and can’t respond), you’ll be able to come back and have me finish it by paying the second half of your commission’s price. However, if I’ve changed my prices by the time you return, you will be expected to pay the latter half of the NEW price. (This shouldn’t be an issue unless you come back, like, a year later lmao. I don’t revise my pricing very often. I may also ask for your refs again if it’s been a while.)
  • After revisions are agreed upon, I will send you a second invoice for the second half of the commission price. I will start working on the final render once you have paid the second invoice.
  • The final render may take some time depending on complexity. It will involve at least one cleanup sketch pass (sometimes two), lines, and color. It could take as little as one day or up to 7 days. If you need the finished piece sooner than 7 days (such as for a birthday or other gift) please let me know your deadline and I will try to accommodate you. This may require a rush pricing charge depending on my circumstances and how fast you need the piece.
  • If something happens that will prevent me from finishing your commission within 7 days of you paying the second invoice (such as if I get sick/injured or have a technology malfunction) I will inform you of the issue and provide a new timeframe. If the new timeframe doesn’t work for you, and I haven’t finished your commission yet, I will provide a refund for the second half of the work. THIS IS THE ONLY SITUATION IN WHICH I WILL PROVIDE A REFUND.
    • The policy for finishing the second half of a commission at a later date still applies in this case. You will be able to reach out for a full render in the future, even if it was unfinished due to cancellation. You will still be subject to any changes in my pricing at that time.
  • The finished render will be provided to you as a high-res unGlazed PNG with my signature in a corner or other inconspicuous but legible area. If you decide to post it on social media, I ask that you first put it through Glaze or Nightshade to protect it from AI scraping.

That’s all! Thank you for reading, and I look forward to working with you 🙂